To acquire successful results, recruiting strategies must be built upon different sourcing initiatives. One of those is participating in a career fair which will be invaluable for your hiring program. There are many benefits to be had for your organization in attending these events. But it is vital to know exactly how you can avail the full potential of these fairs. Especially in return of the hefty prices you have to pay as compensation. Our seven tips will help you maximize this experience for your business.
1. Set your goals
Prior to any planning about what ideas, you are going to implement at the job fair focus on the goals. The ideal time to discuss it would be when you are discussing which fairs to attend through the year. Ask yourself some basic questions to help you see what your objective should be. Following are a few relevant ones to get you started:
- What types of candidates are you hoping to reach?
- Should they be proficient in a specific field?
- How many people are you hoping to engage with?
- What is the vision of your organization which you want to exhibit there?
- Do you aim to fill a particular number of job positions?
- Create brand awareness?
- Gain a competitive edge in the industry?
Answering these questions will help you create a guideline for your plans. It can help you assess ROI and whether it is worth participating again in the future.
2. Planning your Booth setup
Being a new entry at career fairs demands a lot of tasks regarding booth setup that must be seen to. Firstly, determine exactly how big a space you are to be allotted and the materials provided with it. Some venues come with a table while others require the company to bring theirs. There are also offers of WiFi and electric outlets to all exhibitors sometimes while others charge additional for it.
Think about what you will need to draw the attention of the crowd towards your booth. Will there be any interactive elements or digital media such as large screen TV or computer displays? Banners are also a good investment. Just make sure that you manage to set yourself apart from other exhibitors.
3. Choosing the staff
Once registration is checked off your Career fair PREPARATION checklist, it is time select who you are sending. The best way to pick is sending the individuals who are most related to the event. For instance, for a career fair at a university you can choose from the alumni of that institute. Or if the event is being held in a particular neighborhood than choose a team who is familiar with it.
Ensure that everyone on the team understands which goals they need to achieve at the fair. It is ideal to at least send more than two people. Events like these can be lengthy and tiring and the people manning your booth should appear enthusiastic and energized. A small group will quickly be exhausted without proper replacements. With enough people everyone will get the chance to start afresh after a short break.
4. Designing promotional material
It is not necessary to go overboard but there should still be a few key items meant for promotion. A good freebie is great for attracting people and making them spend time on your booth. Make it something that is useful and not a mere novelty item to be thrown away. Water bottles, earbuds, and phone chargers are some excellent choices. If in doubt, you can branded snacks or pens are always the way to go.
5. Instruction for candidates
It should be decided prior to the event which steps you will be directing your recruited candidates. Will resumes be accepted at the booth or will you ask them to submit online? You can keep a device handy so attendees can fill in their contact info on your landing page. For any job applicants ours service perfectcv is one of the leading resume helpers online. We provide you with documents that showcase your qualifications and abilities in the best light. Our resumes have all the elements required for hiring managers to sit up and take notice of your potential.
6. Prepare conversation points
It is essential to have a meaningful conversation with the people who come your way. Having some well thought out questions planned beforehand helps in steering the conversation in the right direction. Make points about what information will most likely help you out in identifying the talent you want. Also prepare your team to talk about your company culture, benefits, and goals for employees. It is okay if the staff you send are unable to answer all queries. But they must be informed enough to direct the attendees towards the right source for getting further answers.
7. Spreading the word
Once your participation in the fair is confirmed, it is time to spread the word about it. Your social media accounts are the best channels for letting followers know about the event. Also add it to your events or news page on your website. The publicity opportunities offered by the organizers of the event should also be benefitted from. Taking part in them will get your company’s name known alongside the other exhibitors.
These are the ways you can create the best opportunities for your company by participating in the fair. Once the event is done you have the real work to deal with. Do not procrastinate in following up quickly with the prospects.
If you have gathered a large number of contacts, then organize in different categories. It makes the process of following up easy and manageable. There are going to be many candidates you will be meeting at the fair. Make sure that the staff manning your booth are able to satisfy their questions. The more positive impression you are able to leave on the candidates the more prospects you will attract. Career fairs can be most beneficial for your company if handled the right way.